Chavarrilla Residence

Moorpark home with voltage ceilings. Finishes are knockdown ceilings and orange peel walls. Drywall work done was removal acoustic ceilings, re-texture, and patch repair due to water damage in kitchen and bathrooms.

Harold Way

Another master piece by Palumbo Designs set in the Hollywood hills with amazing views of Los Angeles. Drywall details are custom finish around all glass doors in home, flush finish up to the tile in the bathrooms, and flush metal to all the glass fronts. Finished smooth wall throughout the home.

Broadway Street

A one of a kind unique take on office buildings. Featuring a floating angled soffit constructed from steal studs that surrounds the office walls. Ten foot walls inclose the offices all to be fitted with open glass partitions. All drywall will be finished smooth with finished L-metal on top and of glass areas to create a beautiful contemporary “funky” work space.